Renée Del Missier
born 1978 in Feldkirch/Austria, studies of photography and visual media at “die graphische” in Vienna. Freelance photographers assistance in Vienna and London.
photographer since 2004 portrait-, architecture- and corporate shoots as well as stills and travel.
lectureship at the “Fotoschule Vienna” since 2012.
Mother of a son.

Arbeiterkammer Wien | APG | Baustoff+Metall | Biohof Adamah | Borealis | BWM Architekten | Clara Luzia | Demel | Oper im Steinbruch | Gerstner | heiderklausner corporate design | i+R Bau | immo360grad | Karakter Möbel | Klostermann Architektur & Design | Kurhotel Rickatschwende | Loewe Austria | M.C.I. | Porr AG | Stadtmarketing Feldkirch | Telekom Austria | The Skills Group | Unger Steel Group | Unique Werbeagentur | Vonwiller Mühlen | Wifi Dornbirn and more …
Publications include
Terra Mater Magazine | Reisemagazin | Motorradmagazin | Die Kufsteinerin | Falstaff | Jewel | Seitenblicke Magazin

Newspaper Artikels
Interview “Wirtschaftszeit” – September 2011 (German)
Falter Beilage Margareten: Bericht über das UnternehmerInnen- Netzwerk “U5” Margareten

5-10-20 Ultrashortfilm Festival: 3rd price for „Fly” and 4th price for „Werkstatt“
art 4 charity – Japan Now – against atomic power, for global solidarity
AOP Open award London: Top 50 worldwide with „Ants“
IBM art calendar May: „sound of nature“
CCA: gold for Nivea Beiersdorf Ltd. „Falten gehen und kommen nicht wieder“
CCA: bronze for Sony Computer Entertainment Austria „Unsterblich“
Federal State Prize 2023 of Viennese professional photographers: 3rd place in the category nature / wildlife for the picture „zebras crossing“

uncommon places: “pinhole chamber”; Goethe Institut Hongkong
Fine Art Exhibition: “pinhole chamber #1“; Blank Wall Gallery Athens
Potentiale at ArtDesign Photo: various works; Feldkirch
photo::vienna: series “Atmosphere”; MAK Vienna
„graveyard“ (group exhibition): “Ants”, “Vogelfrei” and “zebras crossing”; Neudegg
„PINHOLE – Stadt | Land“: 4 pinhole photographs; House of Photography Vienna
photo::vienna: series “BauLichtBild”; MAK Vienna
art festival „Hairnals“: Glabrous and Glamorous
roof congress: series “BauLichtBild”; Linz
Haupt Foto Hof: series “BauLichtBild”; Bahnorama and Westbahnhof Vienna
Renée Del Missier – Photography
Gudrunstraße 176/15
A-1100 Wien
c/o Studio 65
Schottenfeldgasse 65
A-1070 Wien
Mobile +43 (0)660 4186570
E-Mail: office(at)reneedelmissier.com
UID-Nr: ATU 62325157
Mitglied der Fachgruppe Fotografen
Behörde gem. ECG: Magistratisches Bezirksamt des X. Bezirkes